
Showing posts from October, 2022

PUBLISHED! - Ravensrook: The Black-Winged City of Brigands and Bandits

Ravensrook at DrivethruRPG!  It has been a long time coming, but it is finally here! A labor of love through this roller-coaster of a year alongside my friends at Wicked Studios LLC, I am happy to announce that the Ravensrook Setting Guide is available on Drivethru RPG!  Replete with swathes of artwork, factions, lore, maps, and monster blocks, the Ravensrook book is kitted for both 5E and OSR rules for the World's Most Popular Role-Playing Game! Through the processes of collaborating and and editing this project, I have used this book myself to run a 1920s-style "Noir Potion Prohibition" game with friends and family on Sundays. A little outside the box, but it has been a riot so far, somewhat literally for the hapless adventurers.  If you are looking for something to spice up some urban sprawl in your games, or maybe you want a dubious port of call for characters to call home at your table, consider Ravensrook, the black-winged city of brigands and bandits!