Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Fianna Camp - "The Cupbearers of Cernunnos"

 Cupbearers of Cernunnos

Thy claws and fangs are set, o imperishable, ye cupbearers to gods and kings.

Since time immemorial, chiefs and pharaohs, gods and kings, have all been tended by a trusted few burdened with the vigil of their sovereign’s safety both at home and abroad. This secretive Camp of the Fianna are no different, at least on the surface. The Cupbearers of Cernunnos first saw service among the ranks of Fionn mac Cumhail himself, entrusted with the defense of their lord in both battlefield and bawn, always close at hand. It was they who brewed the soothing mead that lulled Cu Calhainn from his fabled frenzies, and who keep the tradition of Talen Mead alive. The Cupbearers tend the mounds of Ludh and Nuada and hold vigil over the Slumbering Heroes. For generations, they have held a presence in the court and council of the righ. In recent centuries, the Cupbearers have seen themselves spread thin to not only keep poison from the lips of their lords, but from all their kin. They know all too well the influence of King Breweries and the grasp they have on the unsuspecting consumers of the flock as well as the Nation, and the Cupbearers see it as their duty to purge such a sickness from the face of Gaia like the pox it is. It is a common stereotype among the Garou that the Children of Stag love their libations.

This is true.

The Cupbearers of Cernunnos, however, have elevated that misanthropic nature to an art of war. Derived from their practice of brewing Talen Mead, the Cupbearers have taken great care in their development of spiritually enhanced liquors. Where guns and swords cannot go, the Cupbearers bring whiskey that puts hellfire in the Fianna’s breath. Talens and Fetishes of this sort are their specialty, becoming the Cupbearer’s focus in recent generations, so while it may be an oddity, it isn’t unexpected for their Camp to boast a compliment of Kinfolk, as well. Naturally, those skilled in the herbalist hedge magics and adept in fetish-crafting are particularly sought after.

The Stag Cauldron – Level 3, Gnosis 6 The axis mundi of many Celtic rituals, the heart of a druid’s craft, and the most important accoutrement in any home, it should be little surprise that the Cupbearers of Cernunnos have a Fetish that fits their needs. The Stag Cauldron is typically a cast iron crucible with Garou glyphs etched into the rim.

To activate the Stag Cauldron, the Fianna must first fill it with water (the purer, the better) and roll Gnosis. For every two successes on the roll, the Stag Cauldron can create one viable Talen-Brew. Only one Brew may be made at a time, however. Should a Cupbearer wish to make a different concoction, she must empty the Stag Cauldron and begin again.

Dagda’s Cauldron of Plenty – Level 5, Gnosis 7

The original, genuine article sequestered somewhere deep in the heart of Tara, this massive vessel is a wellspring of miracles and myth. It is one of a kind, and jealousy coveted by the Cupbearers.

Suspended over a sacred flame and filled with the purest waters, the Cupbearers roll Gnosis. If the Fianna accumulates over five successes, the Cauldron of Plenty will not empty for days equal to the Cauldron’s Gnosis rating. Should the Cupbearer desire, she may offer Gnosis to the Cauldron of Plenty to lower the difficulty of the brewing (Craft) roll by one to a minimum of three.

Additionally, the Cauldron of Plenty (or Dagda’s Cauldron) has been used as a healing spring for the righ and the most lauded heroes of the Fianna. When the Theurges are spread too thin, the Dagda Cauldron is filled with an herbal mixture and heated to a pleasant temperature. The wounded Garou is then placed in the Cauldron, where they may recover one Aggravated damage per hour.

Example Brews

Fire Whiskey – Gnosis 7

This painfully potent whiskey will put an actual fire in the belly. In drinking the whiskey, the Fire Spirit within the whiskey stirs within the imbiber, who must immediately make a Difficulty 7 Stamina roll to withstand the heat as they expel it from their maw in a gout of flames. The fire-breath is Range 10 and deals Aggravated damage equal to the imbibing Garou’s Glory and will conflagrate the target for half the damage (rounded down) each round until the damage dealt is 0, meaning fire expends itself. On a failed Stamina roll, the fire still burns the Garou, and the Garou only.

Sunshine Sarsaparilla – Gnosis 6

A favorite of Fianna in the American south, especially Louisiana. This light, honey-colored root beer is imbued with a sun spirit. When activated, the Sunshine Sarsaparilla is commonly thrown like a Molotov cocktail, but bursts with sunlight instead of flame. Aimed with Dexterity + Athletics like any thrown weapon, the Sarsaparilla releases sunlight for one turn per success on the activation roll. 

Oaken Stout – Gnosis 5

A strong and bitter ale with a woodsy aftertaste, not dissimilar from the Irish Fianna’s more mundane mainstay. Quaffing a whole pint of the stuff in one go, the imbiber must roll Stamina at Difficulty 6. Should she succeed, she receives a number of dice equal to her successes to augment her soak pool for the scene. Once used, the dice are gone, and they cannot be used to soak damage from silver. Should she fail, the drink hits harder than anticipated; she gains one temporary Rage and makes all Frenzy rolls at -1 difficulty for the scene.


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